I went to middle school with this lady. She is from an amazingly talented gene pool. Actress/Pageant Queen/Model sister, Ballerina sister, Musician brother. Stephanie is the gifted artist. She is going to change the world someday, I'm convinced. She is currently in South Africa for the summer, bringing art to the walls of a men's prison in Johannesburg. Amazing artist, amazing woman.
Dennis Eroh.
Dennis is a friend from high school, who will always have a special place in my heart. On my 18th birthday, he was one of three guests I chose to celebrate with. (the other two being my boyfriend and my brother). It does not matter how long we have gone without talking, the minute we pick conversation up again, it is like we never even left. His writing is beautifully heartbreaking, and he has been someone who's words I have looked up to, for many years. We talked more during my darkest days, than probably anyone, and I learned more from him than he probably realizes. He's strong and confident in his originality, and that is something I will always admire about him. When I first started sharing my writing, Den was there, reading and commenting on them all. I will always remember this comment of his, on something I wrote:
"You're a full-fledged poet now. I don't know if you want it or not, but I can see it in your thoughts: skipping things, forgetting words to write down sentiments instead- learning through writing- journaling as a process instead of a slate."
I want a love like this.
Every time I read Roxanne's cute blog, I get a warm feeling in my heart. It is one of the absolute cutest, and makes me feel like writing, traveling, taking pictures and spending time with the people I hold dearest to my heart. Jeffrey is currently on a bicycle tour from Portland to San Francisco (my city!) and Roxanne is on her way out to meet him for a couple days. I think that's so awesome. Their relationship is one I truly admire. I didn't realize until she posted something about it on her blog, but I was there for her and Jeffrey's first out-of-school hangout, at his birthday dinner (in 2007). I was attempting to court someone at that dinner myself, and I think that's kind of adorable. I wonder, if we had both known that, if we would have been talking in the restaurant bathroom, nervously primping ourselves. Roxanne is now engaged to Jeffrey, and I love that. Their relationship is so unique and lovely. I'm not sure if they know that there are people out there (like me), who's romantic, storybook hearts, flutter with every blog post, or cute picture uploaded. I can only hope that one day, I have a love like that. Two people who are so uniquely perfect for each other, for their similarities, but also their differences, who are committed to FUN and dreams, above all else.
Isn't it great when you realize how awesome some people in your life are doing? I'm going to go enjoy this day with a full heart.
Be kind to one another.
- D
i love dennis's quote.