Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Burns Week.

Well, this one was fun and messy.

Have I mentioned how much I love this class?

Ryan and I decided to burn his fingers together, since we were on a time crunch.

Plus sides of being besties with a cinematographer.
Exhibit A:

My concentration face...or my "I need glasses" face?

Gabe, model extraordinaire, again.

Andrew, Alex, Joe and I competed in the 24 Hour Film Race this past Friday-Saturday. It was pretty hilarious. Our film screens at a theater here next Thursday!

I've got LOTS more pics comin' your way, when I find time to organize and breathe. Hope everyone's having a great week!


  1. Yes! You need to see WFE and yes, you will fall in love with Robert! SO good-looking (and charming).

    I follow the same rule, but the movie is very very much like the book, so even if you didn't read the book first, you should be fine.

  2. OMG!!! This is so intense!!!!!

    But I guess that is the idea...

    Good job! haha
