Thursday, January 6, 2011

for lack of a better post.

This is one of the first posts I've ever made, where I haven't written it out on paper prior to typing it, or had much of a plan for it at all. Again, it's been a long, long time since I last posted something, and I didn't follow through with the posts about my amazing friends, so stay tuned for that. As much as I hate to admit it, sometimes I have a serious problem with following through with things. I'm adding that to my new year's resolutions, along with writing more and getting in shape after surgery.

I have so many things that have been on my mind lately. I'm really enjoying my time at home (oh, by the way, I'm visiting home!), but I have been doing SO much thinking and self-reflecting. Despite everything, there has been a lot of good that has come out of this. It's interesting hanging out with people who are so different from you, because you learn a lot about yourself in the process. I think I am finally getting to the place I've been trying to get to for a while, and I think this is a good thing, heading into 2011. I am feeling much more confident in myself and more motivated to do the good things that are filling up my head. And while I have taken a challenging and somewhat toxic approach to get there, I am close to feeling better about myself everyday. And I can't wait to get going on some of the things I have planned for the new year!

I hope everyone had a happy and safe new year! Congratulations to everyone who got some good holiday news and excitement! And I will be back from my rut soon.


  1. I really enjoy reading your posts, so use this comment as motivation to post more!

  2. HOORAY! A post! So glad to hear about your self-reflection -- I love when that happens! Can't wait to see what's next! :)

  3. as a kid, i always thought i need to find the perfect best friend and that we'd be 100% alike. needless to say, i never found that special bff. now, in college, i find that most of my friends are nothing like me. it's eye-opening!
