Monday, January 24, 2011

I love being a girl.

My day started out really great. I went to the gym and yoga (you will hear about this tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow for real. I really am trying to get better at this blogging thing). I felt good, as I usually do when starting and/or ending my days with yoga. However, about mid-day, a funk came over me, and I sat on the couch listening to music and getting lost in pages I was reading and writing, absolutely content in my lonesomeness. I started to get a little cranky, as it was time for me to re-enter the world I was mad at (my hearts and deepest condolences go out to the SPPD and those affected by today's shooting).

This is when I started takin' names. I was no longer a joy to be around, and if you had the UNpleasure of running into me today, you would have been best off seeing me at 11:30 am, because that was my peak. Just moments ago, I unleashed my internal fury on a close, unsuspecting friend. And then tried to apologize immediately after, but only did a mediocre job at it, because for some reason, I was still a little heated. About what? I couldn't tell you.

I thought it would be best for me to just go back into my little cave of solitude and silence, before ultimately grabbing a coffee from Starbucks (with a side of happy pills), and going to see a movie with my dear friends, who I miss terribly when I'm in SF.

However, on my venture home, I got a little misty-eyed. This is the emotional spiral that is inevitable for me. I can stay mad for whole minutes before I break down into a crying mess, trying to take all the blame for the whole world's problems. I tried snapping myself out of it, before the tears really got a'flowin, and it worked, (thank you, Katy Perry, for your catchy sing-alongs).

As I was pulling into my neighborhood, I drove past a cracked blue reflector on the street, and I LOST it! Completely broke down, crying, sniffling mess. (Now, this sounds stupid, but wait...). As I was driving, I thought this cracked blue reflector was a dead frog. The same frog I thought I ran over just days ago. I remember the bestie having to talk me down from that potential nightmare. "No, I'm sure you didn't hit it. You're fine. Don't think about it." He was right, because this "dead frog" was, like I said, a broken reflector.

But since I had been crying, because... something invaded my body today, making me the most sensitive person on the planet, (in the universe, maybe).. I kind of sniffled.. or inhaled too hard, and then started choking. This choking in turn, hurt my chest, because, you know... I hit the gym hard today.

So there I was, a sight to behold! Choking, crying, in my driveway, to R.E.M's "Everybody Hurts." (much like Dwight, in The Office).

For no. reason. at. all.

And now, as I'm typing this, I am laughing.

I just might be getting my monthly visitor soon.


  1. Haha, I love this. (Sorry for laughing...I just feel like I can relate to you on so many levels.) I am so sorry that you were upset, though! I try to tell myself that being a girl has so many advantages (and it does, as long as you have a good outlook on life). So it's worth the excurciating cramps and emotional days. To me, at least.

  2. Haha oh Nikki, it's hilarious to me. I remember one month I cried, because I was thirsty and ran out of water. I don't understand our female hormones, but they ARE good for a lot of things. And I agree with you, it's worth it.

  3. That is one day in the life of a girl?? wow. Just when i thought i had em all figured out...

    Of course Katy Perry cheered you up! She's the bestest!

  4. I have cried (multiple times) because I couldn't pick what to wear. It wasn't even that I cared what I was wearing, I just couldn't even formulate an outfit. That's how I know I'm going to be a joy around on those days.

  5. Hahaha, yes Andrew. One day in the life of a girl.. now can you imagine a bunch of them getting together during this time?

    Roxanne, that's so sad! Haha, but I can picture myself doing something like that too.. I'm a huge cryer when it's TOM-time.

  6. Haha, when I was packing for Italy I burst into tears because I couldn't pick out the right outfits. Like, really? I WAS GOING TO ITALY! What is there to cry about? Of course it was that time for me as well. At least you know you're not alone!

  7. Haha, aww! Seriously, you guys are making me feel better about myself, haha.. glad to see I'm not the only irrational cryer. Poor us! haha

  8. Omg I loved this! It honestly made me feel better. I always thought I was the only girl that turned into a crying, angry, hormonal disaster!! I once cried because I wanted macaroni and cheese when I got home from work and someone put garlic salt it in. I completely lost it.

    Oh and whenever I think I hit anything while driving, I instantly start crying, even over frogs, so dont feel bad Destini!!! haha
