Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I dodged death.

(I never know what to title my blogs either, Nikki).

Ok, I know I'm a day late past my promised update. But look how much better I'm getting, I've already blogged twice this week! (the bestie is really crackin' down on me, so I'm sure I will be frequenting the ole blogspot a lot more). Anyway, the excuse I'm using for my tardiness is that I couldn't lift my arms or use my fingers (not even to type!) yesterday.

Maybe that's a bit exaggerated, but I was insanely sore from my gym experience on Monday. Even this morning, waking up was hard, because I had pretty much solidified into place over night and had to endure about a minute of stretching and shaking before I could comfortably move.

Believe it or not, patience is not really one of my strong suits, so you can imagine how restless (and out of shape) I've been getting since I haven't been functioning at my full physical potential in 7 months. (My surgery was 7 months ago? That's crazy)! Sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday, and sometimes it feels like.. years ago, because I'm so much better off than I was, just a few short months ago.

Anyway, I've been anxious to get back in the gym. So, Monday morning, I woke up at 8:30 am (which is about 8 hours earlier than I've been waking up the majority of this break). It was hard to believe I actually responded to my alarm that early, especially because I was up FaceTime'ing until an ungodly hour of the night. (Where did that phrase come from - ungodly? If you figure it out, I'll give you extra credit. This one too: "Dress to the nines"). I'm very interested in where our phrases and words come from.

So, today, I feel the need to share with you... working out is HARD!! I am desperately trying to get back into shape after my surgery. (Okay, desperately thinking about trying to get back in shape). I think I can count on 2 hands the amount of stuff I've actually done physically, since my operation, because I was out of commission for so long. (When you can't lift a gallon of milk for months, and can't brush your hair or sit up on your own, your self-esteem and independence goes straight down). One of the physical activities I did try is what we call "The Gauntlet", which consists of running up my street, all the way to the water, and back, which is basically a 5k... and yes, it's as painful as it sounds. And when I say "up", let's not forget that I live in San Francisco, so I mean UP!!!

So, Monday I decided I wanted to hit the gym hard. I don't really know what it means to ease into something...with anything. When it comes to anything I've ever done, or liked, I just dive headfirst into it, pretty much immediately. (That is why, the very first physical activity I tried after surgery was the previously mentioned Gauntlet).
Sidenote: I was the only one in the Gauntlet group who didn't throw up on our venture. This will be important later.

And that is also why I decided to take the "Circuit Sensations" class Monday at 9:30 am...using 2 risers instead of 1, under my step, so I could have an "increased cardio experience."

Yeah, excuse me... WHAT was I thinking?! There were some parts during that workout where I actually thought I was going to die! (or at least throw up, and I have never thrown up during a workout. I have a pretty resilient stomach. It's only weakness is... other people throwing up).

So anyway, my stomach was reminding me that we only had 2 Eggos for breakfast that morning, (and we had them right before the class started, like.. as I was pulling into the parking lot), my chest and ribs were on FIRE, and my muscles were screamin'! But I tried my hardest stickin' it out 'till the end, despite my belief that I might pass out at any second. (It really is a good class though, and I can't wait until I'm back at my physical peak)!

And, after surviving circuits (woo, I survived!), I followed it up with the yoga class, to stretch out and meditate.

While I'm on this subject, I would seriously recommend yoga to anyone! There are so many different styles and you'd be surprised at how accessible classes are in every area. And it's amazing how much better I feel afterwards.

This particular class was very relaxing, and during certain poses I could feel my muscles softening and lengthening, and I could feel the physical stresses leaving my body. We meditated laying down, and the longer I laid there, and the more I cleared my mind, I could just feel myself melting into the floor, into complete and utter relaxation.

Then I left the gym, headed to Moe's and followed up my workout with a huge-ass burrito.


  1. I'm really interested and yoga, and I've been wanting to start going to classes, but I just can't seem to find the time. Maybe I should take classes, because your description really makes me want to start, now!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. this made me laugh hysterically.
    "And that is also why I decided to take the "Circuit Sensations" class Monday at 9:30 am...using 2 risers instead of 1, under my step, so I could have an "increased cardio experience."

    ungodly is something that is not holy or sinful. I agree, waking up before the sun rises is a sin.

    i dont think anyone knows dress to the nines

  4. I think I am going to go out NOW and find a yoga class. I have always wanted to but never had the time. but I have a month to do nothing before Europe so bring on the gym/classes/yoga.

    oh and WELCOME TO MOES
