Friday, April 2, 2010


The most recent story I have to share with you involves documentary filmmaking. Now, many other film friends I have talked to, both in SF & FL, have been far less than thrilled with the documentary process, saying things like..."I hate documentaries."

I was actually really looking forward to filming mine. I was the first one out of my little support group to have an idea. A really, really good idea.

This is the story of how, I too, grew to hate the least for right now.

It all started at 5 am on the Tuesday of Spring Break. (Some people...Andrew Blackman...would argue that my day began at 6 am, but when I'm in bed and can hear you moving all around my apartment, talking about pouring coffee on me to wake me up...I don't think that really qualifies as sleeping). Although, that might just be the sleep-deprivation talking, since I had gone to bed at 3 or 4 am the same morning, before the epic journey.

When I woke up, Andrew had a cup of coffee for me. He's so sweet! (This backfired later). It was free pastry day at Starbucks, so naturally we hit that up too, before we set off on our mission to film Alex's documentary in the woods somewhere across the Golden Gate Bridge, down (BUT first UP... way, way up these scary mountains!) by Stinson Beach. About halfway up this cliff, Andrew had to pull over , because I was pretty sure I was going to throw up...and Alex was not far behind me on that. (This was the backfire I was talking about).

I don't want to give his documentary away yet or anything, before it's finished, so here's what I'll say... and it basically sums up mine and Andrew's portion of the adventure:

There were bees everywhere! We all had to pee outside! Poor Andrew got poison oak! =(

But, you know... it was more fun than I gave it credit for at the time. It was exhausting, but fun(ish) and Alex is a rockstar! (...and Andrew got one on the way home).

That was part one.

Now, for part two. My original idea involved pit bulls. That unfortunately fell through. I'm going to re-visit it at some point, because it's very important to me, but it's too late to do for my rough cut that's due on Wednesday. (Cue mini-panic attack). So, I need a backup plan... and here's what I've got so far: Nothin'!

Well, that's not entirely true. I started brainstorming yesterday in class:

I came up with a few ideas, like...

- A documentary on Andrew's documentary
- "You Just Got Got!" (via Bryant Nardozzi)
- My chances of getting on American Idol

...yeah, well they get worse as they go on, so I'll spare you the rest.

Tomorrow starts my weekend of nonstop filming... something. I'll let you know how all this works out... and if you have any suggestions for me, please share!

- Des

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