Saturday, March 17, 2012

Photo Challenge: Day Five

Hello blogisphere,

Since I've been gone, I somehow contracted a nasty ear infection that made me deaf in the left. I had to take an Art History midterm like this...completely half-way deaf, dizzy and nauseous. That, compared with my overall lack of art history knowledge, is probably not going to result in the best grade ever. The next day, after a ten hour school day, I found an urgent care clinic to go to, and I was there for three hours, enduring a really long, really painful ear procedure, to get my hearing back. This made me even more dizzy and nauseous, to the point where I had to lay down on an exam table for a while, until I got my bearings back. After that, my ear was just on fire for the rest of the day. I am allergic to the medicine they normally prescribe for ear infections (lucky me), so I got put on a different medication that....guess what....makes me super nauseous. I went in to get my ear fixed, and I got prescribed medicine that makes me feel physically ill....backwards steps?

The good news is that today is my fifth and final day of crushing pills into powder, and swallowing it down with yogurt that tastes like poison. Oh, that's right....I can't swallow pills. You may remember this from my ten facts on Day One of this challenge. But the doctor wouldn't give me liquid form, because, as he put it... "It's time for me to learn." And I agree with him, however I don't think the best time to learn is when I actually need this medicine in my body asap. I think I should just be able to practice with some mini m&m's on my own time or something. Anyway, it's almost over. The sad thing is that my last day of antibiotics falls on St. Patrick's Day, so I will be curling up with homework and Disney's "The Luck of the Irish" while the entire city of San Francisco is out running the streets. A part of me was really looking forward to my first Irish Car Bomb, but the other part of me is really thankful that I have an excuse to be responsible and bury myself in work on a Saturday night.

Day 05: A photo of your favorite memory.

This one is definitely up there. This trip was a glorious nightmare. During spring break of my senior year, I jetted off to Europe with some of my favorite people from my graduating class, and some of my least favorite underclassmen. We went to France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein. We laughed, cried, got terrified for our lives, and wanted to punch some people in the face. But it still remains one of the absolute best times of my life.

This photo was taken in Switzerland. It was really late at night, but a few of us were still awake in the "Haunted Swiss Sorority House" we got stuck in, because some of our housemates were bringing forth spirits with a wigi board. Good thing too, because if I wasn't busy being terrified, I would have missed out on this photo opp, which coincidentally, was also my first time seeing snow. My favorite part of this picture might be the Crocs on my feet.

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